Photocopy Machine Distribution

One of the targeted schools is Tika Vidyashram Higher Secondary School in Kathmandu. Since its founding Mami has actively worked for the betterment of this school. Tika Vidyashram is a community school that assists children from less advantaged backgrounds pursue education with minimal expense. Since the school already runs on minimum capital it lacks modern technology which is key for better learning. Therefore, with the intent of bridging the gap between Tika Vidyashram and modern educational institutions by equipping it with some essential equipment, Mr.Poudel donated a photocopy machine on the behalf of MAMI Foundation. This contribution was made on the 10th of August 2019 and since then it has been used extensively to provide quality education resources to the students of Tika Vidyashram.

Sweater distribution

Although the main focus of MAMI is to provide education to children, we firmly believe that no one should be deprived of basic needs and essential amenities of life. These include access to food, shelter water and clothes which are an integral part of life. For some children and young adults, winter is an opportunity to indulge in new fashion trends whereas for others it is a struggle to find clothing that provides warmth. In Nepal, many children and young adults have to support themselves and their families by working or assisting in household chores. They do not have the financial capability or capacity to provide warm clothes every winter for themselves and their families.

Bearing this in mind, MAMI launched an initiative to distribute winter gear like woolen sweaters to our target schools. Till now we have provided 350 students with winter clothes and with the support of our team and volunteers we hope to extend this project further.